Tiger art Point : photography and wildlife painting Ranthambhore and Kanha

The Tiger art Point of art started in 1999 in Sawai Madhopur, the District tom adjoining Ranthambhore national Park, With the Support eweblink Inc. through a self-financed project, by a group of Artist who had been making nature, forest and wildlife the main source of inspiration for their painting. Most of these Artists are from various Villages around the Park.

The skill and the style of the artist reveal starling glimpses of wildlife and the surrounding magnificent forest of Ranthambhore and Kanha. Sometimes it also reveal the area around the Park, which, by contrast, offers a landscape of environmental degradation.

A living animal, especially when it is a wild one in its nature habitat, is a very difficult subject to portray:

It will not stay still for the artist’s sake, often it will appear and dis appears in a flick of a second. A long wait, quick observations, fast sketching and photography combined with a highly specialized knowledge are therefore the basis for wildlife paintings.

Wildlife art has been often looked down upon by the art world as mere illustration and description with no artistic value in the itself. Ironically enough it is the picture of dead animals, in still life compositions , that have been considered true art expressions.

The specialized knowledge that is intrinsically connected with wildlife art can dominate colours and composition, the highly detailed and accurate depiction of an animal and its surrounding habitat can look like the copy of a photography yet a wildlife painting recreates experiences of wildlife and wild places like no photography can hope to emulate, and it stimulates in the viewer the desire to share such experiences.

Wildlife art, throughout the globe, has played a very important part in awaking, encouraging and sustaining an interest in natural history. Such interest has led to a concern for conservation.

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